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  1. I agree with all of these! I didn’t even realize until I had my first baby that things like mittens were an absolute necessity. With my second, I was all prepared with these items, only to realize that my son wasn’t interested in the pacifier. Made things tricky at times! Great post, though!

    1. Mittens are a must, its amazing how much a little baby can manage to scratch their faces in the night – mine little man was terrible – i think he is actually wolverine!

  2. MUSLINS! My daughter is surgically attached to her filthy frayed square of textile biohazard, It is her comforter and without it sleep is impossible. When she was younger we could get away with any muslin. Now it has to be the manky one or else! #AnythingGoes

    My son loves his dummy and has a collection of them hidden round the house. He’s getting better but trying to wean him off them is very tricky,

  3. Muslins and dummies were definitely our life-savers with Oscar! I wanted a nappy bin but never had the space for one so now we just put them outside the door until we go down to the bin 😉 The neighbours must love us!

    Socks are great…until they learn to take them off all the time!

    1. Our nappy bin is amazing we are still using it through the nappy / potty training phase, i’m really impressed with how long its lasted. Toddler socks drive me nuts – he takes them off all over the place!

  4. Great list 🙂 Scratch mitts irritated me from day one as they were constantly falling off but I ADORE the onesies with the built in over-the-hand bits, usually Next do them. Muslins are ESSENTIAL, my son uses one even now as a comforter 🙂 #thebabyformula

  5. I agree with all of these (except we haven’t used a dummy, but I know they are vital to so many). Have you tried Aldi muslins, they’re so soft (I recommend them to everyone, and haven’t tried the Asda ones, so they might be the same).
    Nappy bins seem like a con, but are SO worth it 🙂
    Great post thanks for sharing and hope you can join again next week #TheBabyFormula

    1. I don’t know what I’d do without the nappy bin – had it 2 years now it’s amazing! Ohh good tip about the Aldi muslins- the Asda ones are pretty absorbent but not very soft even when tumble dried! x

  6. Apologies for my slow response,

    A great list here! We stupidly didn’t use scratch mits when Rowan was born and he ended up with quite a few scratches.

    We have that nappy bin and it’s brilliant,

    Of course you can’t go wrong with muslins, we still use them!

    Thanks for linking up with #TheWishlistLinky

    Laura x

  7. I have those exact muslins, socks, and mittens! I love the Swaddle Me blanket wraps also. They have Velcro, so you do not have to protect the art of swaddling. They also make sizes to grow with your baby. I would add those to the list!

  8. I have the muslin blankies and they were great for my summer baby, but I find flannel ones are more versatile and absorbent. I don’t have a single other item on this list for my 2 little ones and I don’t feel that they are missed in our home.

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