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  1. This was a wonderful list of advice for being the best Mom from so many wonderful Moms out there! It left me feeling encouraged and empowered to carry on in the nuttiness of motherhood.
    My favorites were Thrifty Mom’s “clean bum, full tum” haha and Mummy Cat Note’s advice on always believing in your children. I try to do that when my toddler gets so frustrated all the time when she can’t put her clothes and shoes on like she wants.

    Thanks for this post! Sharing it now!

  2. Great post I’ve spent a long time thinking about what being a good mum is and I don’t think there is a right answer as long as you love them and support them through everything. I try to take a relaxed form of parenting as much as I can! #readysetlink

  3. What a great group of advisors you have 🙂 I love the comments about honesty and saying sorry when you mess up. I think modeling the behavior you expect from your kids is pretty high up there for being a good mom. #readysetlink

  4. Really interesting read, I think it is something I worry about a lot and be at myself up. It is hard because there is no definite answer, but loving and listening to your child is important. Don’t always listen but something I am working on X #readysetlink

  5. A great read! As a first time mum I often wonder if I am doing the right thing or if I could be a better mum. Reading this really makes me feel a lot better as I know I have some of these qualities/do these things. 🙂 #readysetlink

  6. I liked everyone’s advice. I think this question is so hard because society puts so much pressure on moms. Also social media doesn’t always help, people only post (for the most part) the good things, and not post images of them yelling at their kids or crying in their bedroom. So it makes moms that do this (which is pretty much every mom I know) feel like they aren’t good moms because they lose their patients. I think it just comes down to you loving your child, and they are as healthy and happy as you can make them.

    thank you for sharing this!

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