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  1. Absolutely! I am a SAHM, desperately craving the stimulation of work, but desperately terrified to juggle everything. I salute the working Mum’s; incredible…but also desperately jealous of your lunch break (where you probably stuff food down at your desk, anyway)…we are all amazing! #bestandworst

    1. I do miss my little one, but I love been able to finish a cup of tea whilst it’s hot, going to the loo in peace and quiet & not having him steal my lunch whilst a work hahaha! If I stopped with him 24/7 I think he’d drive me mad as much as I love him! It’s hard working full time & being a mum but I’ve learnt to lessen my expectations with the house work lol! We all do an amazing job 🙂

  2. we are all great mums as long as we do the best we can whatever the situation. It would be nice if we supported each other more wouldn’t it? Great post #bestandworst

  3. I would like to hope that us mums do support each other, but you are right there is too much judgement out there – often by people who have no idea of how hard it is to be either a working mum or a stay at home mum. #bestandworst

    1. I found people were very judgmental when I went back to work and sent my LO to nursery from 8.30-5pm mon-fri. You’d think I’d said I was leaving the LO outside in the winter weather all day! He loves his nursery, nearly been there 2 years now he gets upset if he doesn’t go! X

  4. Ahh that is lovely and I agree you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t these days, us women can’t win whatever we do! I am heading back to work part time soon and I always suffer with the guilt of doing so but then I have my career and want my own money! Thanks so much for linking up to the #bestandworst hope to see you again 🙂 x

  5. It is a shame that most mums get judged. I would never judge a Mum for being a stay at home mum and I would never judge a mum for working part or full time either. No one knows their situation so no one should judge. Great post. x

  6. Absolutely! I went straight back to uni after having SB – I was told I was abandoning my daughter at the same time as sponging off the state. I then went straight into full time work – I was called neglectful for not spending time with my daughter. I became a SAHM – I’m sponging off the state. Mums can’t win! Great post x #fartglitter

  7. Love this! I always try to keep in mind that every family has a unique set of circumstances so it’s best to never judge, especially without knowing all the details. You have to do what’s best for your family, whatever that is. #fartglitter

  8. I totally agree with you! We are each just doing what works for us and we’re all doing the best that we can. Working mums / part time working mums / stay at home mums….We’re all working so much more than full time in our own way anyway. I salute you all!

    #justanotherlinky x

  9. This is one of those topics that winds me up every time! I am a stay at home mum and my little girl is 10 months old. I am constantly being asked when I am going back to work and why I’m not already back to work etc. a) it’s my own choice to make and b) we are not all sponging off anyone, we don’t claim a penny. I am lucky enough that my husbands wage allows me to have the choice to stay at home. But on the flip side, I don’t see why working mums should get put down either! You are out earning a living and supporting your family which is something to be applauded! I think it’s everyones own choice to make. Either way it doesn’t make any less of a mum! #justanotherlinky
    p.s/ sorry for the rant!

    1. Absolutely! If you stay at home you get asked when you’re going back to work, if you work you get asked why you’re not stopping at home! You can’t win! We all do what’s best for our family & that’s all that should matter. 🙂 X

  10. I’m a full time working mum and my little boy loves nursery so much!! I am so glad I went back as I just cannot give him the stimulation he needs anymore on a daily basis. I think both working and SAHMs do an amazing job! #justanotherlinky

    1. Agreed! We all do a wonderful job. We both work full time and our little man loves nursery to! He loves to see his friends. It nice to know even though I’m not having a great time looking at my excel spreadsheets he’s having a fab time playing hehehe! X

  11. It’s sad that we still live in a world where Mums feel the need to justify their actions. Being a Mun is never easy, so we don’t need the added pressure of feeling judged, when all we are trying to do is our best.

    I thought trying to reach out to all Mums in your post was lovely.


    1. Thank you! There’s so much pressure around – stay at home, go to work, breastfeed, bottle fed etc etc & so much judging of each other’s decisions. All are the right decision for you and your baby & no-one should feel judged and inadequate for doing what’s best for their family x love to all mums our there! It’s a hard job x

  12. I am a working mum and do quite resent it but it is necessary – at the moment my partner stays at home but soon we will be getting into nursery, and then school, and my partner will return gratefully to a working life… but I can’t imagine how we will get around all the itty bits of extortionate wraparound childcare…. #fartglitter

  13. That’s such a good post and so accurate. I’m trying to decide what to do re returning to work and it feels as though you can’t do right for doing wrong and whatever you choose someone somewhere will judge for it. But it’s not about them it about yourself and what’s right for you and your family – we all do what’s best for us just need a little reminding every now and then. #abitofeverything

  14. Damned if you do damned if you don’t! Kind of how being a mum feels at times I think. Sometimes it’s nice to know you are not being judged #abitofeverything

  15. Thank you for writing this. I work full time and have oversized Mummy Guilt and was having one of those moments when I read your post. I felt so much better after reading this. I couldn’t agree more with you but sometimes you need someone else to tell you it’s OK. Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything

  16. This is so true, we need to support each other, no matter what. Being a parent is a hard thing. You always question what you do, and it’s even worse when others question or judge your decisions. We are all here, on Earth, to do the best we can, it’s far easier to do better when you aren’t being judged for every little thing! We all love our kids and know them best, so we do our best! And try to pass it on!

  17. Thank you for this. Stay at home vs back to work is one of those tricky ones where, no matter which you do, someone will think it’s the wrong decision. I agree that it has to be what’s right for your family. X

  18. This is so true, I can honestly say I don;t judge others especially not for whether they work or not, but I know a lot do and it’s sad really. I have pretty much always stayed at home with my boys, but mostly due to the cost of childcare meaning working wasn’t really an option financially as we would have been worse off!

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix 🙂

    Stevie x

  19. I do enjoy working but also have this mum guilt constantly when I see my SAHM friends as they get to spend so much more time with their kids. However, I know I am not made to be home 100% of the time so found somehow a compromise. Still some people looking from the outside give me a look when they find out I pay for two lots of nursery, which equates to a very generous mortgage payments. But without me working we would be living from hand to mouth. Also, my boys get stimulation they would not otherwise get when at home with me all the time and they get to develop their social skills without me constantly next to them.

  20. This is so accurate! I recently had to make this decision, and it’s good to know I am not the only one stressing about these things 🙂 How do you bring in more adult interaction without driving your husband insane?

  21. What a beautiful, amazing article. I wish you lived near by so we could hang out! If all articles written to mom’s were this positive and supportive there would exist much less mom guilt. Thank you.

  22. Your post is so true and the sad thing is it’s us women who tend to judge each other and not so much the men. We need to stop judging each other and start being more supportive.

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