Working Mom vs. Stay At Home Mom: Pros and Cons
Hey there, moms and dads! Let’s chat about a topic that’s as old as time but still as relevant as ever – the classic debate between being a working parent and a stay-at-home parent. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mother juggling the kids and household chores, a dad who’s taken the role of the primary caregiver, or a working mom climbing the career ladder, we all know these are hard jobs and no easy decision.
You’ve probably heard about the “mommy wars,” right? That age-old tussle over who makes the better parent – the one who goes to work every day or the one who stays at home. But here’s the long story short: it’s not about who’s the best mom or dad. It’s about what works best for you and your family situation.
From the Pew Research Center to the New York Times, everyone’s got something to say about this. Some studies highlight the benefits of a parent being at home, like more time for those crucial doctor appointments or being there for your child’s first word. On the flip side, working parents bring their own set of perks to the table, like teaching social skills and providing a different perspective on life.
And let’s not forget the new way of doing things – the rise of work-at-home moms and dads! It’s the best of both worlds for some, balancing paid work with being available for a sick child or just being around more.
At the end of the day, whether you’re a single mom, a married working mom, or a stay-at-home dad, what matters most is the love and care you provide for your children. It’s about finding that balance between work hours and home life, managing mental health, and ensuring happy children.
So, whether you’re doing the school run, sitting in a board meeting, or doing grocery shopping while managing a conference call, remember, there’s no single ‘best option’. It’s all about making the best decision for you and your family. And hey, let’s not forget to pat ourselves on the back every once in a while for the amazing job we’re doing. Cheers to all the moms and dads out there making it work, one day at a time!
The Pros and Cons Of Being A Working Mom
Pros of Being a Working Mom
Make a second income. The most obvious advantage of being a working mom is that it has obvious financial benefits.
Making a second income provides your family with greater financial flexibility, allowing you to spend money on luxury purchases such as a nice new car or a family holiday abroad. It also has practical benefits, including making it easier to save money for your child’s college education and saving more for retirement.
Enjoy pursuing passions and social interactions outside of your family. In addition to making more money, having a career that you’re passionate about allows you to pursue your interests outside of the family.
Having relationships with coworkers also diversifies your social interactions. While your family is the most important thing in your life, it’s okay to enjoy experiences outside of that bubble.
Model independence for your children. For moms with little girls especially, by working outside of the home, you’re demonstrating to her that being a working mother is an option for her in the future, too. It’s good for your daughter to see high-achieving women around her.
Take a team approach to housework with your spouse. With both you and your spouse working outside of the home, you’re more likely to divide the households tasks between you as well. Instead of having distinct roles in the family, you share the responsibility of both the finances as well as the chores.
As a working mom, here are some pros I can think of to list.
- You are a great mom
- You earn your own money
- Teach your children the importance of working
- Maintain your own sense of identity through your achievements at work
- You get to have an adult conversation
- Value quality time you spend with your children
- Your child is having fun & building relationships with others
- You get to go to the toilet in peace a few times a day.
- You get to drink your coffee whilst it’s still hot a few times a day.
Cons of Being a Working Mom
You miss out on time that could be spent with your kids. For 40 hours per week, you’re away from your family. While you’ll still see them in the mornings before they go to school, and the evenings before bed, you miss out on all the little things in between. Even if you do part-time work, you are still spending several hours a week away from your children.
However, unless you’ve considered homeschooling your children, you wouldn’t see them during the day between Monday to Friday, once they hit school age, anyway. You’ll still have weekends with them and can make time for the big things like birthdays, recitals and family outings. This is important to maintain a healthy family life.
You may spend more on child care and housecleaning. That second income sure is nice, but with both you and your spouse having commitments outside of the home, you may not be able to take your kids to school, or be there before they get home. This means you’ll have to arrange before and after school care. Child care is in high demand and therefore isn’t cheap.
Depending on how busy your work schedule is, you may also elect to hire help with the housecleaning. While this takes a significant load off you, making it worthwhile, this too chips away at that second income.
Finding balance is more difficult. With competing demands between work responsibilities and cooking, cleaning, and caring for your kids, it can be challenging to juggle everything. Working moms are often more stressed and tired. You’ll likely have to give up something to find the balance you need.
- You miss your children – a lot
- Tiredness from rushing around and getting everyone where they need to be
- Feeling like you have two jobs
- Mom guilt when you miss out on parents’ evenings, plays, and other school events.
The Pros and Cons Of Being A Stay At Home Mom
Pros of Being a Stay At Home Mom
You have more time to spend with your children. You’ll be around for not just the big things in your kids’ lives, but the little things too. If you also choose to homeschool your children, it won’t just be their early years that you’re always around for, but their formative years as well.
All parents will tell you they can’t believe how quickly their children grew up. Staying at home means you’ll get to experience motherhood to the fullest.
Create a stable environment for your children. As a stay at home mom, you’ll be home to send your children to school and ready with after-school snacks the moment they walk through the door. Because you’re not burnt out from a day in the office, you’ll have more time and energy to help them with their schoolwork.
You have control over what your children are exposed to. With childcare being so expensive and hard to find, many mothers worry about whether the facility they’ve chosen provides the right environment for their kids.
Instead of worrying what values the daycare teacher is instilling in your children, you get to pick the values you want them to be exposed to. You also have greater control over what they eat and the activities they engage in.
- You are a great mum
- You’re getting to spend a lot of time with your child
- You don’t have to split your time between two things.
- You get to see all the firsts
- No expensive child care
Cons of Being a Stay At Home Mom
It can get lonely. While you love your kids, sometimes adult company is nice, too. Though there are opportunities to meet other stay at home moms, finding friendships through other avenues is difficult. This can cause you to feel isolated and depressed.
However, finding relationships outside of your family is still possible – you’ll just have to put more effort in to find them.
You forgo the second income. Living on a single income and saving money on childcare and housekeeping can offer financial benefits, but the amount you save on this is often less than a second income offers.
The trade off may be worth it to you if you decide having a luxury car and a big house aren’t as important to you as having quality time with your kids. The decision will also depend on your spouse’s income.
All the housework falls on you. While you may be less stressed about finding the right balance between your career and taking care of the home, you’re likely to take on extra work in the house. Often, the workload of the stay at home mom is comparable to that of the working mom. Rather than working less, you’ll just be doing different work.
- Lack Of Adult Conversation
- It can be lonely when your children are young
- Can cause lack of identity
- Can cause financial strain
- Your children can lack socialisation with other children
The Verdict
When comparing being a working mom vs. a stay at home mom, you may find that one is not better than the other. Both offer advantages and disadvantages, so pick the option that works best for you and your family.
The Dream
Mums would all support each other, whichever option they choose. Being a mum is a hard job and none of us want or need to feel judged for the decision we make about children.
We all do what is best for our family. We all want what’s best for our family.
So whether you’re a Stay At Home Mom or Working Mom, I salute you! You’re Doing Great!
The Reality
Moms do feel judged for the decisions we make. Those who stay at home are ‘sponging off the state’ and ‘lazy”.
The moms who work are ‘more interested in money’ ‘don’t care about their child’ or ‘aren’t naturally maternal, anyway’.
On more than one occasion, I have felt judged for my decision to have a full-time 9-5 job, whilst my little one attends child care. He has done since he was 8 months old.
We all suffer enough ‘mom guilt’ of our own without others adding more doubt and feelings of guilt upon you.
For Those Moms Who Work Full Time – I’d Like You To Know:
- Just because you work it doesn’t mean you’re not maternal
- Because you work, it doesn’t mean you don’t love your child
- Just because you leave them, it doesn’t mean they’ll stop loving you or forget you – you’ll always be their mom.
Don’t be so hard on yourselves – this being a mommy job is tough.
Let’s all show some love and understanding for each other instead of trying to decide who is right and who is wrong in the Stay At Home Mom vs Working Mom debate.
There is no right or wrong answer – only what’s best for you and your family.
What Real Mums Think About The Working Mom vs Stay Ay Home Mom Debate
I’ve been asking around and here are what some real mums think about the working mom vs stay at home mom debate. I feel it’s always a good idea to have views of mums from both sides of the debate to get a good, fair perspective from both sides.
Below are some of their comments.
I’m a stay at home mum. I don’t really have an opinion on working mums or staying at home either. I just see ‘mums’ as a collective, doing what needs to be done and what is best for their family. Being a mum is 24/7 regardless if you are at work or not. Life is a constant juggle, it’s never-ending and all mums are permanently tired, but they are the glue holding their family together.
I recently went part time to spend more time with my two young children I hated being away from them every day and only seeing them evenings and weekends. I envy stay at home mums for the extra time they have with their children but I’m also glad that I can work as it does feel nice to get some adult company
When I left my job to become a stay at home mum it met me with shock from family members and received comments about money. Mostly how do you afford it?! I was really taken aback as when I worked, money never got mentioned. I felt like I was being made to feel ashamed and started saying oh I’m JUST a stay at home mum. You shouldn’t have to be made to feel this way. It’s everybody’s personal choice on what they do. Oh, and being a stay at home mum led to me becoming a work from home mum thanks to my blog.
Oooh, this is an interesting one! I have been both and as a mum of four currently on maternity leave I would say hats off to stay at home mums! Being at home 24/7 with kids is exhausting, thankless, mind numbing & repetitive & what I would give to be able to give a single task my 100% full attention! But at the same time, being a working mum is also exhausting, plus the guilt factor, although at least you get to wee alone & drink a cup of tea when it’s actually hot! Not sure what I’m saying other than it’s a case of swings & roundabouts!
Nobody knows another mother’s situation, so it’s unfair to judge their choices. I was a SAHM until my children started school because I wanted to and because I could afford to. If other parents work for financial purposes or because they wish to have a career, then fair play to them!
Twins Tantrums And Cold Coffee
I’ve been a stay at home mum for five years. I took voluntary redundancy at the end of my mat leave with my first, then went onto have twins second time round and childcare for three under three would have been insane. So getting a job would never be worth it. I think it’s a shame both ‘types’ are sometimes pitted against each other. I know friends who struggle with the balance of work and parenting, and I know that some days I’d give anything to hand my three feral boys over to someone else and sit in my old office drinking hot coffee, and having adult conversation. Nobody has the perfect situation. Parenting is hard whichever scenario you’re in. I do think I’d drink less wine and shout less if I went to work, though
I don’t know how working mums manage it all; they are flipping super heroes! I have been a SAHM since my twins were babies. 4 under 4 and working was financially pointless and I couldn’t cope with doing it all. There are compromises no matter which way you go and being a mummy is challenging, whether you stay at home or not.
I’m a work from home mum earning a very good wage for myself but get sick of people thinking I am a stay at home mum that does very little because I actually work 10-hour days as well as usual things like cooking, cleaning, etc. My son is almost 15 but special needs means he is more like a 7-8 year old. I just want to be recognised as a working mum who juggles everything, still not a stay at home mum that can do what I wish!
I’ve been a SAHM for just over 9 years. Being married to a civil engineer who worked on roads we moved from project to project, country to country until 2 years ago when we “settled” for the kids.We have no back-ups, grandparents, aunties, or lifelong family friends, most live a continent away! It’s just the 4 of us. Working never made sense, and we could financially afford for me to stay at home. That said, blogging has given me a mental “out” because I really do envy working mums. The company, the reliable income, and relative independence they have is vastly different from my reality. I’m grateful to be here for my kids 100%, but I hate being solely responsible for the laundry & cleaning!
I’m a work from home mum and I’ll admit that I feel much happier working. I felt like it was my choice, and I personally haven’t had any negativity because of it. I have tons of respect for stay at home mums and I really love that we live in a time and place that a woman can be respected for pursuing a career or for looking after her family. Both choices are valid, and it should come down to what’s best for everyone in the family.
Welcome To Exploring Dorset
I’m a working Mum and have been since my daughter was a baby. Working shifts with a 1-year-old was exhausting and required a lot of organisation and juggling to make sure there was someone to pick her up and take her to nursery. Missing bed time when she was young was tough and missing her first steps. I worked because we needed the income, not through choice, but I do think it has made us all appreciate the time we got together.
People find themselves in certain situations not of their choice. I’m a working mum and some of my friends are stay at home mums. As long as you’re a mum, irrespective of working or stay at home, it’s a tough call because of our maternal instincts. We all go above and beyond to nurture our kids, hence the reason we should be supporting and respecting everyone’s decision.
I have always been a stay at home mum but have always had work which I have done around my kids I realise how incredibly fortunate I am. To the stay at home mum who has put her career on hold, I salute you and to the hardworking working mum whose heart aches a little sometimes; I salute you too. We are all doing our best.
I’m a work-at-home mum and I have managed to find a way to work around my children. I used to work very long hours before I had kids, and I made a conscious decision to leave my job because I knew I’d never see them if I stayed. I did judge working mums before I had kids. But I judged many things pre-kids because I thought I knew better. I had a nasty shock!
Now I realise that it doesn’t matter what we choose – the guilt will surface at some point, whether you’re a stay at home mum who wishes she’d continued her career to the working mum who wishes she had more time to play with her kids. My guilt is that I’m always mixing work and time with the kids and lockdown was a nightmare because I was drowning on both ends! Going forward, rather than judging or picking a side, we should help each other stay positive about our decisions because if we continue to feel the guilt, so will our kids, and that is worse. We’re all super mums!
Working mom vs stay at home mom FAQ’s
Is it better to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom?
- Working Moms:
- Pros: Financial independence, career progression, social interaction, personal fulfillment, and potentially serving as a role model for children about balancing work and family.
- Cons: Potential stress from juggling work and family responsibilities, guilt from not spending enough time with children, and the cost of childcare.
- Stay-at-Home Moms:
- Pros: More time with children, direct influence on their upbringing, potential cost savings from not needing childcare, and flexibility in daily schedule.
- Cons: Potential loss of financial independence, potential feelings of isolation, potential challenges re-entering the workforce later, and societal judgments or pressures.
- Ultimately, the “better” choice is subjective and depends on individual and family needs, values, and circumstances.
Are there more working moms or stay-at-home moms?
This varies by country and region. In many developed countries, the majority of mothers work outside the home, either by choice or out of economic necessity. However, the number of stay-at-home moms has fluctuated over the years based on economic, cultural, and societal factors.
Are stay-at-home moms more happy?
Happiness is subjective and can be influenced by numerous factors. Some research suggests that stay-at-home moms report higher levels of depression or sadness than working moms. However, this doesn’t mean that staying at home inherently causes these feelings. Factors like financial stress, lack of adult interaction, or societal pressures can contribute. Conversely, some stay-at-home moms report higher levels of satisfaction from being able to spend more time with their children. It’s essential to consider individual circumstances and personalities when evaluating happiness.
What percentage of moms are stay-at-home moms?
This percentage varies by country, region, and over time. In the United States, for instance, about 24% of married-couple family groups with children under 18 had a stay-at-home mother. This percentage has fluctuated over the years, with economic conditions, societal norms, and other factors influencing the numbers.
Absolutely! I am a SAHM, desperately craving the stimulation of work, but desperately terrified to juggle everything. I salute the working Mum’s; incredible…but also desperately jealous of your lunch break (where you probably stuff food down at your desk, anyway)…we are all amazing! #bestandworst
I do miss my little one, but I love been able to finish a cup of tea whilst it’s hot, going to the loo in peace and quiet & not having him steal my lunch whilst a work hahaha! If I stopped with him 24/7 I think he’d drive me mad as much as I love him! It’s hard working full time & being a mum but I’ve learnt to lessen my expectations with the house work lol! We all do an amazing job 🙂
we are all great mums as long as we do the best we can whatever the situation. It would be nice if we supported each other more wouldn’t it? Great post #bestandworst
I would love for all mums to support each other! What ever we do its a tough job & the judging and negative comments can really impact on somebody. We’re all fab!
I would like to hope that us mums do support each other, but you are right there is too much judgement out there – often by people who have no idea of how hard it is to be either a working mum or a stay at home mum. #bestandworst
I found people were very judgmental when I went back to work and sent my LO to nursery from 8.30-5pm mon-fri. You’d think I’d said I was leaving the LO outside in the winter weather all day! He loves his nursery, nearly been there 2 years now he gets upset if he doesn’t go! X
Ahh that is lovely and I agree you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t these days, us women can’t win whatever we do! I am heading back to work part time soon and I always suffer with the guilt of doing so but then I have my career and want my own money! Thanks so much for linking up to the #bestandworst hope to see you again 🙂 x
Yep whatever we do its wrong hahaha! I always tell myself I am me as well not just mum, I need to do things that make me happy so my LO is happy. I’ll be around again soon 🙂 X
It is a shame that most mums get judged. I would never judge a Mum for being a stay at home mum and I would never judge a mum for working part or full time either. No one knows their situation so no one should judge. Great post. x
Absolutely! I went straight back to uni after having SB – I was told I was abandoning my daughter at the same time as sponging off the state. I then went straight into full time work – I was called neglectful for not spending time with my daughter. I became a SAHM – I’m sponging off the state. Mums can’t win! Great post x #fartglitter
Very true and very isolated and judge that being NHS SAHM you forget the small things. Thanks for sharing X #FartGlitter
Someone will always pick holes in what you do. It’s such a shame, judgement and guilt trips from people who don’t know the full ins and outs of your situation is so frustrating.
Love this! I always try to keep in mind that every family has a unique set of circumstances so it’s best to never judge, especially without knowing all the details. You have to do what’s best for your family, whatever that is. #fartglitter
A great post! t’s tricky for everyone as I agree, it feels like everyone judges or has an opinion, even if they don’t really say it. Thanks for sharing on #theBabyFormula
🙂 Lets lift each other up instead of pulling each other down. You might want to check out #mommittment if you haven’t already. Thanks for linking up to #fartglitter
I totally agree with you! We are each just doing what works for us and we’re all doing the best that we can. Working mums / part time working mums / stay at home mums….We’re all working so much more than full time in our own way anyway. I salute you all!
#justanotherlinky x
All options are tough! We all do what we have to even if we wish we could do something else! Some people can be so judgemental! X
Thanks for this 🙂 There is no one way to parent. We are all allowed to make our own rules and that’s great. I work part time which is perfect for me. #justanotherlinky
Exactly! We all do what’s best for our family. It might not be what we want to do but we do what we have to! X
This is one of those topics that winds me up every time! I am a stay at home mum and my little girl is 10 months old. I am constantly being asked when I am going back to work and why I’m not already back to work etc. a) it’s my own choice to make and b) we are not all sponging off anyone, we don’t claim a penny. I am lucky enough that my husbands wage allows me to have the choice to stay at home. But on the flip side, I don’t see why working mums should get put down either! You are out earning a living and supporting your family which is something to be applauded! I think it’s everyones own choice to make. Either way it doesn’t make any less of a mum! #justanotherlinky
p.s/ sorry for the rant!
Absolutely! If you stay at home you get asked when you’re going back to work, if you work you get asked why you’re not stopping at home! You can’t win! We all do what’s best for our family & that’s all that should matter. 🙂 X
Thank you for this! Us working moms know how hard it is to be away all day but also when both parents need to work we know we are providing a good life for our littles.
I’m a full time working mum and my little boy loves nursery so much!! I am so glad I went back as I just cannot give him the stimulation he needs anymore on a daily basis. I think both working and SAHMs do an amazing job! #justanotherlinky
Agreed! We all do a wonderful job. We both work full time and our little man loves nursery to! He loves to see his friends. It nice to know even though I’m not having a great time looking at my excel spreadsheets he’s having a fab time playing hehehe! X
Thanks for sharing. It is tricky to get the balance right. I work from home a few hours each day, so not the same as a full time working mum, but do feel that I miss out on all the ‘playing’ #justanotherlinky
It’s hard feeling that you’re missing out on them growing up but we are all doing the best we can for our little ones & they’ll always know that X
It’s sad that we still live in a world where Mums feel the need to justify their actions. Being a Mun is never easy, so we don’t need the added pressure of feeling judged, when all we are trying to do is our best.
I thought trying to reach out to all Mums in your post was lovely.
Thank you! There’s so much pressure around – stay at home, go to work, breastfeed, bottle fed etc etc & so much judging of each other’s decisions. All are the right decision for you and your baby & no-one should feel judged and inadequate for doing what’s best for their family x love to all mums our there! It’s a hard job x
Thanks – us Mums need to all stick together 🙂
I am a working mum and do quite resent it but it is necessary – at the moment my partner stays at home but soon we will be getting into nursery, and then school, and my partner will return gratefully to a working life… but I can’t imagine how we will get around all the itty bits of extortionate wraparound childcare…. #fartglitter
That’s such a good post and so accurate. I’m trying to decide what to do re returning to work and it feels as though you can’t do right for doing wrong and whatever you choose someone somewhere will judge for it. But it’s not about them it about yourself and what’s right for you and your family – we all do what’s best for us just need a little reminding every now and then. #abitofeverything
It’s so true, whatever you do some-one tells you you’re wrong! x
Damned if you do damned if you don’t! Kind of how being a mum feels at times I think. Sometimes it’s nice to know you are not being judged #abitofeverything
What a lovely post. It’s a shame mums gets judged on the decisions which they make. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx
mum’s always feel guilty enough what ever we do – we don’t need to be judging each other and making it worse! 🙂 xx
Thank you for writing this. I work full time and have oversized Mummy Guilt and was having one of those moments when I read your post. I felt so much better after reading this. I couldn’t agree more with you but sometimes you need someone else to tell you it’s OK. Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything
I know it’s hard working full-time, never feels like enough hours in the day! Glad I could help a bit 🙂 xxx
This is so true, we need to support each other, no matter what. Being a parent is a hard thing. You always question what you do, and it’s even worse when others question or judge your decisions. We are all here, on Earth, to do the best we can, it’s far easier to do better when you aren’t being judged for every little thing! We all love our kids and know them best, so we do our best! And try to pass it on!
Thank you for this. Stay at home vs back to work is one of those tricky ones where, no matter which you do, someone will think it’s the wrong decision. I agree that it has to be what’s right for your family. X
There is no such thing as a easy option. You do the best for your family according to your circumstances. Lovely post 🙂
Thank you!
This is so true, I can honestly say I don;t judge others especially not for whether they work or not, but I know a lot do and it’s sad really. I have pretty much always stayed at home with my boys, but mostly due to the cost of childcare meaning working wasn’t really an option financially as we would have been worse off!
Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix 🙂
Stevie x
I do enjoy working but also have this mum guilt constantly when I see my SAHM friends as they get to spend so much more time with their kids. However, I know I am not made to be home 100% of the time so found somehow a compromise. Still some people looking from the outside give me a look when they find out I pay for two lots of nursery, which equates to a very generous mortgage payments. But without me working we would be living from hand to mouth. Also, my boys get stimulation they would not otherwise get when at home with me all the time and they get to develop their social skills without me constantly next to them.
This is so accurate! I recently had to make this decision, and it’s good to know I am not the only one stressing about these things 🙂 How do you bring in more adult interaction without driving your husband insane?
What a beautiful, amazing article. I wish you lived near by so we could hang out! If all articles written to mom’s were this positive and supportive there would exist much less mom guilt. Thank you.
Aww thank you! That’s so sweet!
Your post is so true and the sad thing is it’s us women who tend to judge each other and not so much the men. We need to stop judging each other and start being more supportive.