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  1. This is the one downside I find as a SAHM. People don’t understand how I can look forward to the weekend when ‘every day is like a weekend’. (Really,it isn’t) like you say, I look forward to adult company, being able to take a small chunk of my mind and doing something not child related with it, going on a day trip. Alas I also find every Monday is full of mumday blues.

    1. Ha! Every day like a weekend! If only! I find it’s so important to my own wellbeing to do something non baby related and use my brain. I come back from it (even if only for 10 minutes) so full of energy and enthusiastic I’m a far better mummy. I’m trying to get back into my love of reading to help ☺️

  2. This is such a moving post. Channel 4 recently did a series on this I believe. I saw a clip of it shared by Mumsnet on Facebook and thought it was such a great topic that needs to be shouted about loud from the rooftops; if only to make women aware that they are not the only ones! You are never alone and there are so many mums out there feeling the loneliness. <3

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. The power of social media is amazing and it’s so reassuring to know you’re not the only one and not doing something wrong. Before baby you get warned about all the physical stuff and the amount of poo you’ll deal with but no one tells you how lonely it can be ☺️

  3. Monday’s are rough for me too. It’s the only day there are no baby groups to go too as well… I make sure I get out for a walk or visit the farm, anything that’s different each Week. Once I’m over Monday things get busier!!

  4. Going for a walk is such a simple but good idea and I really must get better and more disciplined at doing this. Some days it’s just too hard to make the effort but I know I’ll always feel better for it. I am trying to walk for things like milk rather than getting in the car or asking my partner to pick it up on the way home. Thank you for your comment you’ve reminded me how important a walk is ☺️

  5. Awesome post ever! Definitely some great tips and advice to keep in mind to every moms when going through this experience. you have raised some interesting points here and those are very little known to most of us. thanks for sharing this informative article.

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